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Splitz Studio provides a wide variety of dance styles for children of all ages and abilities. We offer RAD Ballet including exams, Street Jazz, ISTD Tap, Acro Dance and Musical Theatre. Classes run on a school term time basis throughout the year, with extra holiday clubs and performances biannually.


Below you can visit each style individually to see what we have to offer in more detail. If you want to join please click the register now button to book in your free trial class.




Pre-Primary & Primary  

Tuesday -4:00-4:30pm

Saturday -9:30-10:00am

Ages 4-7

Pre-Primary ballet is an introduction to music and movement incorporating the basics of ballet using stories and play. The class prepares children for the entry into primary ballet, by learning how to interact with other children on their own without their parents.


Getting your children involved in these classes will help to develop their self confidence from a young age and will also develop their motor skills for later life.​

The class is always full of fun and enjoyment and quickly rewards a sense of achievement developing self-confidence and expression.



Grade 1 & Grade 2 


G1-Monday -4:30-5:15pm

G1- Saturday -11.30-12:15pm

G2 -Monday -5:15-6:00pm

G2 - Saturday -10:00-10:45am

Ages 7-9 appx

Ballet is the foundation of all dance and therefor we encourage all students to study this dance form.​

from an early age it help improve, posture, flexibility, muscle tone and musicality.


Learning ballet requires patience and continual study over time. It is recommended that the commitment for students studying for a Graded examination or Presentation class should be a minimum of one class a week with extra coaching in the period leading up to the examination, particularly as the student progresses towards the higher levels.

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Junior Street Jazz

Thursday -4:45-5:30pm

​​Street Jazz is a high energy and stylised class, with a mixture of both popular urban style of dance that has inspired music videos by artists such as Beyonce, Justin Timberlake, Lady Gaga and Rhianna, and Jazz Technique inspired by the West-end musicals.​ Classes are a combination of exercises which work on posture, flexibility and strength and routines which children can learn which incorporate movements from both techniques to all to your favourite commercial and popular music tracks.

There are no set exams for Street Jazz but there will be a chance for the children to work towards shows and performances.


Junior Musical Theatre

Wednesday- 4:45-5:30pm

Saturday- 10:45:1100am

Ages 4-8

Using the LAMDA syllabus our Musical Theatre Classes are about building confidence through movement, acting and singing. 


It has been developed to build the skills necessary to communicate the dramatic content of musical txt over a range of musical styles/categories. 


Students will build on voice, diction, movement, setting and staging, and musicality. 


Limited class sizes ensure that each child gets the specific development and professional education they need to follow their dreams.

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Junior Tap

Wednesday- 4:00-4:45pm

​Saturday- 10:00-10:45am

Ages 4-8

Tap Dance is a demanding technique, teaching students to become percussive musicians as they learn complicated rhythms using their feet.


Following the ISTD Tap Dance syllabus, students develop the skill and understanding of tap dance at the same time as building a sound technique, by developing the physical ability to communicate through movement in an expressive and artistic way.


A clearly defined structure allows learning to take place in the context of safe dance practice.


Acro Dance Levels 1-2

L1- Thursday -4:00-4:45pm

L1- Saturday -1:00-1:45pm

L2- Thursday -5:30-6:15pm

L2- Saturday -12:15-1:00pm

Ages 5-10 (ability based)

The Acrobatic Arts programme of Acro Dance is designed to strengthen dancers and enhance their existing skills with basic acrobatics.


Dancers work with a variety of strength and flexibility exercises designed to create a well balanced dancer with additional flexibility, strength, balance, limbering and basic tumbling skills. ​​


Mini Acro Dance

Tuesday -4:30-5:00pm

Saturday -9:00-9:30am

Ages 3-5 (appx)

This curriculum focuses on physical literacy. The focus of this program includes learning the acro positions, locomotive skills (jumping, hoping, etc), balance skills, classroom behaviour or skills, movement concepts, cooperation and social skills. The magic is in the repetition, the report cards, colouring pages, imaginary play, fun and games.
The pre-school acro classes are suited to children ages 3 – 5 years.

Introductory class for children of pre-school age. Students are introduced to acrobatics through a series of fun, informative sing-along routines that help them understand instruction, body movement and control. Students begin basic floor tricks and tumbles including a variety of rolls, balances and jumps.


This curriculum focuses on physical literacy.  This is not a program designed to teach students back handsprings and walkovers.  You can expect to find skills like: Pike Position, Skipping, Marching, Pre Cartwheel, Plié, Tendu, etc.  The focus of this program includes learning the acro positions, locomotive skills (jumping, hoping, etc), balance skills, classroom behaviour skills, movement concepts, cooperation and social skills. The magic is in the repetition, the report cards, coloring pages, imaginary play, fun and games.

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